
We'll connect you to the tech talent you need

Photo of a person working on a computer

Your go-to source to upskill, reskill or recruit employees for FREE

For over 10 years, we have proudly maintained relationships with a huge range of employers. From SMEs to household names, our partnerships have enabled us to provide meaningful career development opportunities for thousands of people.

Photo of a workplace meeting

Our goal? To build outstanding talent and employer partnerships.

We recognise the importance for you as an employer to recruit and retain a skilled workforce. Our aim is to elevate and advance the UK’s tech personnel so both individuals and employers can stand-out from the crowd.

Our unique recruitment solution provides freshly qualified, industry-ready candidates via our government-funded specialist IT, tech and digital courses. With our dedicated career and progression coaches, bolstered by a passionate business support team, we guarantee you a recruitment experience that puts the skillset of your workforce, and the success of our learners, at the forefront of our provision.

Let us help you! Get in touch with us…

Get in touch

Ready to do something groundbreaking? Let's work together to ensure your business has the high-demand tech skills it needs to grow.

Photo of workplace interview
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Free recruitment service

  • Qualified candidate resourcing
  • Candidate assessment
  • Job description support
  • Qualified candidate shortlisting
Photo of technology worker
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Upskill and reskill your workforce

  • Government funded
  • Flexible online learning
  • Progression support
  • Professional qualification
  • Industry-led courses
Photo of a tutor with students
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Client specific cohorts

  • Free advertising and selection
  • Training courses for feed into your recruitment needs
  • Free talent pipelining to fill specific roles
Photo of a Netcom Training student

Connect your business with top tech talent, at no cost!

We make things easy by delivering flexible online learning and taking the hassle out of hiring. For free.


AWS re/start logo
West Yorkshire Combined Authority logo
Logo reading Cambridgeshire and Peterborough combined authority.
Black Greater London Authority logo.
Black and teal logo reading Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce.
Orange and black logo reading West Midlands Combined Authority.
Black logo saying Greater Manchester doing things differently for our workforce.
Photo of a Netcom staff member

Transform your workforce today for better business success tomorrow.

Explore our range of tech solutions and discover how Netcom Training can drive your business forward. Let’s work together to ensure your business has the in-demand tech skills it needs.

From hiring top talent and upskilling your workforce to leveraging our innovative business solutions and helping your business reach new heights, we have the expertise and resources to meet your unique needs. Please complete the form and a member of our team will be in touch.

Discover some of the best UK employers

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Career Guidance

Enter your email and join thousands of others who have already kick-started their career.
