The Spring Budget: Free childcare for one- and two-year-olds means greater employment opportunities for parents

The government’s decision to support parents with free childcare for one and two-year-olds is a significant step forward. With the economy suffering, and soaring nursery and childcare bills keeping parents at home and out of the workforce, this move will empower caregivers to broaden their career prospects and invest in their education.

Free time for parents and children to grow

The announcement has been met with widespread applause from both parents and educators alike, as it acknowledges the importance of early childhood education and the need to support parents in pursuing their career aspirations.

Under the new policy, parents of one and two-year-olds will be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare per week. This will give them the freedom to explore new career opportunities or upskill in areas that will provide progression in future roles. The policy also aims to remove the financial burden of childcare, with full time placements adding up to more than the take home salary for many jobs. This can be a significant barrier for many people who want to pursue further education or training, but simply cannot afford to.

Research has also shown that children who benefit from high-quality early childhood education are more likely to succeed academically and socially later in life. By providing parents with free childcare, the government is ensuring that every child has access to the best possible start in life.

Readdressing the balance

The initiative comes at a time when many families are struggling to balance work, family life, and education. The pandemic caused significant disruptions to the education sector, and many parents were forced to home-school their children while also trying to work from home.

For parents, the policy represents an opportunity to invest in their own education and future job prospects. Many care givers, particularly women, have had to put their careers on hold to care for their children. The free childcare policy will enable parents to take the first steps towards achieving their career goals, which will ultimately benefit both them and their families.

Netcom training

As a leading provider of online IT and telecoms training courses, we offer a range of courses that are designed to help people upskill and reskill for a career in the technology sector. With Netcom Training, parents can study online at their own pace and around their childcare commitments, making it an ideal option for those who want to take advantage of the free childcare policy.

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